HID - Workforce Identity and Access Management
For many of us, the workplace is more than a single building or facility. That’s what makes workforce IAM so powerful. By managing security through something we all take wherever we go — our identities — it gives users the flexibility they need to stay productive and enables administrators to quickly detect and address risks. HID’s robust, flexible workforce identity and access management solutions provide your workforce with seamless access to the resources they need — no matter where they are.
HID - Workforce Identity and Access Management
Revolutionizing Airport Security: The Role of IDMS in Compliance and Staff Vetting
Ever wondered how airports manage to keep their vast and complex operations secure? Discover the key to robust airport security and ID management as we chat with industry experts Duane Foote and Yves Massard. They share eye-opening insights on the necessity of thoroughly vetting and validating staff, from baristas to tarmac workers, to ensure they have the right access to sensitive areas. Learn how Identity and Access Management Solutions (IDMS) are taking over outdated practices and significantly improving compliance with TSA audits. Plus, hear about the impact of COVID-19 on airport staffing and the operational challenges it has introduced.
Join us as we uncover the pivotal role of compliance in successfully implementing IDMS systems at airports. Yves and Duane highlight how TSA and DHS mandates drive the adoption of these systems, emphasizing that true compliance requires more than just technology—it demands proper deployment and strict adherence to policies. Explore how IDMS can enforce security measures, simplify audit processes, and enhance overall airport operations by connecting all policies and access points to individual identities. This episode is packed with valuable information on the intersection of technology, security, and compliance within the aviation sector.